Invest in Unrivalled Quality With Our Aluminium Windows in Ashtead & Surrey

While uPVC brings a lot to the table, which you can learn about in detail over here, aluminium windows are widely seen as the premium material choice for windows. If you’re looking to spend a little more on a product that takes many of the various benefits associated with uPVC – durability, security, energy efficiency and an attractive aesthetic – and pushes them all to the next level, aluminium is ideal.

Pro-Fit Window Systems Ltd, from our base in Chessington, serve as the Surrey area’s first choice for high quality aluminium windows. We have a wide range of products including casement windows with flat, chamfered and ovolo details available, ensuring each client of our clients can match windows with their property’s existing aesthetic – traditional, modern etc. If you wish to find out how we can help find you the perfect product that will tick every box on your wish list, call us right away on 0208 2888 893.

The Benefits of Aluminium Windows

Strength – Despite being so lightweight, aluminium is unrivalled in the strength department. If you want something that can take a beating, and stand-up to attempted intrusions and similar structural stresses, look no further than aluminium. It’s the ideal choice for those who see security as their #1 priority.

Energy Efficiency – Many of our aluminium windows boast exceptionally high energy ratings, and as such can help you reduce your monthly bills and carbon footprint, all while keeping you warm and cosy indoors! The difference can be night and day, especially if you’re having them replace old timber or poor quality uPVC fixtures.

Aesthetic – Our clients find that aluminium windows’ style is unrivalled; we also think it’s the best choice if you’re simply looking to raise your home’s curb appeal, and as a result its value. Available in all sorts of colours and finishes, you’ll be sure to find something that matches your property’s unique aesthetic.

Framework – Due to how light and strong aluminium is, less frame is required to hold your glazing firmly in place. This means you get more light filtering through into your property, which is wonderful all year round and adds to the internal ambience.

Durability – Aluminium windows are immune, much like uPVC, to many of the issues that plague timber frames such as rotting, warping and splintering. The result means you spend less time maintaining them, and they last a very long time.

So whether you’re looking to replace existing fixtures that may be showing signs of damage and age, or you need fixtures for a brand new addition to your property such as an extension, aluminium windows are well worth consideration. Should you still be unsure whether aluminium is a better choice over uPVC, for example, our friendly team of window experts are on hand to help you navigate the wealth of options you have available. It’s our aim to ensure you receive a product that will prove a joy to behold and use for many, many years to come.

When you opt for aluminium windows, you benefit from the following:

  • Impressively Strong Yet Lightweight
  • Highly Energy Efficient
  • Low Maintenance
  • Immune to Rot, Warping & Similar Issues
  • Maximum Glass Surface Area
  • Unrivalled Curb Appeal
  • Peace of Mind for the Security Conscious
  • Distinctly Modern Aesthetic
  • Choice of Colours & Finishes
  • An Environmentally Friendly Material
  • Customisable Hardware

Have a question regarding our aluminium windows? Call Pro-Fit Window Systems Ltd’s Chessington showroom on 0208 288 8893.