From Front Doors to uPVC Windows in Dorking | The Benefits of Our Range

In our position as locally trusted specialists in double glazing, doors and windows, we take pride in offering a range of products that benefits the day-to-day lives of our customers. Whether it’s the multiple advantages of a composite front door, the peace of mind offered by uPVC windows or the stunning aesthetics of aluminium bi-fold doors, our design features quickly become much-loved parts of Dorking homes.

If you’re a property owner considering a range of home improvements, we have provided below a more detailed guide to the advantages of our core products.

1. Aluminium Bi-Fold Doors

The most obvious benefit of installing bi-fold doors at a Dorking property remains the amount of natural light they let in. With their floor-to-ceiling structure of interconnected glass panels, aluminium bi-fold doors create light-filled rooms with sweeping views of the garden area. In addition, when homeowners push the doors back to the wall, they create a wide gateway that links the interior and exterior areas of their property. This provides a unique area to host social events with friends and family.

Aluminium bi-fold doors also provide beautiful aesthetic appeal. With their simple, sleek styling, they have quickly become an essential addition in high-end property design. But these aesthetics also deliver outstanding functionality, making them a truly versatile feature.

With double glazing or triple glazing options, aluminium bi-fold doors also excel when it comes to thermal insulation. By utilising the very latest in glazing technology, bi-fold doors play a pivotal part in climate control throughout the year.

2. Front Doors

As a leading provider of composite front doors in the Dorking area, we provide solutions to suit any security and stylistic requirement. For those in need of a new front door, composite designs offer unrivalled benefits. Of primary importance, they offer outstanding safety through their strong and sturdy nature. With components including rigid uPVC, GRP and polyurethane, composite doors have been specially designed to outperform single material alternatives.

A new front door often has to fit within an existing design and colour scheme. Fortunately, our selection of composite options come in an extensive range of colours and finishes, including various woodgrains. If the perfect fit still can’t be found, composite doors have customisable options. From handles to fittings, we always find the ideal front door for our Dorking customers.

In addition, composite front doors drastically reduce the amount of energy lost through more traditional options. With a unique sealing system, as well as the insulating qualities of a foam-filled core, a composite front door helps to reduce overall heating bills

3. Double Glazing

The almost endless advantages of double glazing come with very few, if any, drawbacks. Not only does double glazing keep properties in Dorking warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, it does so while bringing about a reduction in energy usage. By improving thermal efficiency, homes stay warmer for longer on less heat.

For some homeowners, particularly those in older homes, double glazing also reduces the ongoing issue of condensation. By keeping moisture-bearing air outside and away from the internal pane of glass, associated issues such as mildew and mould can also be treated.

Double glazing also reduces exterior noise, particularly useful for those living in busy areas or in close proximity to a major road. The latest double glazing options bring about a reduction in outside noise by as much as 60%.

To view our wider range of glazing options, please visit the glass products page.

4. uPVC Windows

As a naturally robust material uPVC has long been a fixture for window frames in the Dorking area. Along with double glazing, uPVC windows deliver notable energy efficiency, retaining heat in the colder months and cooler air during warm weather. As with any thermally-efficient product, this plays an important role in lowering energy usage, which also benefits the environment.

The primary advantage of uPVC windows remains their unbeatable levels of durability. Manufactured from un-plasticised polyvinylchloride, when cared for responsibly, these windows perform to optimal levels for decades, making them a cost-effective investment.

Fortunately, uPVC windows don’t need extensive care for them to last thanks to their low maintenance nature. With an imperviousness to rot and with no paint or varnish to peel and flake, uPVC windows require little more than a wipe down with warm water to keep them looking their best.

If you’re interested in a composite front door, aluminium bi-fold doors or uPVC windows and double glazing in Dorking, call 0208 288 8893.